My First Stress Test

Yesterday, I had my first stress test. That is, a treadmill stress test for those with hypertension or heart concerns. It was not stressful though. The hospital staff were nice and friendly and I enjoyed the time with the doctor and the nurse. They even allowed my wife to watch and take some snapshots as they tried to wear me out on the treadmill haha!  It was actually a test on my heart condition. I also had an ECG and 2D Echo. These were all requested by my cardiologist when she found out that my last visit to her was last January of last year.

Stress test

And just this morning, I had another blood test. I hope to get all the results tomorrow and hopefully present all these data for my cardiologist’s analysis. I actually feel good at this time but I just thought that I just need to have a checkup after the passing of some time. It was a good opportunity to have my heart checked since I was already in the hospital anyway when I had my nose checked.

Oh well, I’ve never been hospitalized in my life. But as I become a senior citizen in a few months, I guess physical checkups are becoming a more important thing to do which during my younger days I hated to do. But I’m always thankful that the Lord has given us life and love to enjoy with him, with our families and friends and with everybody. Enjoy life for as long as God has given us life to enjoy. In Christ, we live and move and have our being.

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