Responding with compassion — it will be alright

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have heard so many sad stories of people around the world who got sick or died because of this corona virus. We have learned through the news that some people are apprehensive about their future, some have lost their jobs or about to lose their jobs. The world economy is down and many businesses have closed shop or are temporarily closed. Some have great concerns about their daily needs especially the poor masses of society. In fact, just a few hours ago, a man attempted suicide by jumping off the bridge because he can no longer feed his family. Thankfully, the authorities were able to rescue him. The future is uncertain for so many.

We can be glad that God is in-charge and he gives us his assurance. Jesus said his Father provides food for the sparrows and we are more than just sparrows. We are his beloved brothers and sisters and so Jesus tells us, “Don’t worry.” It will be alright.

Whether it be famine, pestilence or pandemic, earthquakes, tsunamis, super typhoons or volcanic eruption, God assures us that nothing can separate us from his love. It will be alright.

So how do we respond to this current pandemic? With faith, with hope and with love. When someone approaches you for help, respond with love and understanding. Don’t berate the person for his misfortune. Sometimes, because we also have personal problems of our own, we react negatively when someone asks for our help. Respond with love and compassion instead. And if you ask for help and is rejected, respond with love and understanding as well knowing that the other person also has his own reasons for doing so. Live a life of compassion. Live a life of love.

Respond with faith, fully trusting God in all circumstances. Respond fully filled with hope knowing that God is in control and we are safe in the palm of his hands. And respond with the love of Christ in our hearts towards our fellowmen. It will be alright.

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