All posts by Len Joson

Jesus and Little Children

“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16)

Dove and Kitten Watching

I happened to visit my hometown a month or so ago and one lazy afternoon in our backyard, I noticed a dove which kept on watching from a neighbor’s rooftop. It was interested in the dog food which was near me. I had that good opportunity to take shots of it from nearby. By the way, I noticed that this dove happened to have only one leg (not obvious in photo). During that same afternoon, I also took a shot of a sleepy kitten which I thought was a bit amusing. (Click photos to zoom)

Dove watching
Dove watching
Sleepy kitten

“The Poor You Will Always Have With You”

Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want.” (NIV Mark 14:7a). Such is this world’s condition since the Fall of Adam. There is unequal distribution of wealth, some are rich and some are poor. The Lord will set things right in his own good time. In the meantime, we are encouraged to help the poor, the widows and the fatherless — those who are needy if we can.

These young Aetas, come to the city during Christmas time to beg for alms. It is always heart-breaking to see the poor in their poverty. In this photo, the two boys smiled not expecting that I had a camera focused on them as they approached me. It surprised them I guess. The other boy was kind of shy and hid behind the boy in front of him.

The Ministry of Being

I once attended a seminar conducted by Dr. Shelley Trebesch, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, that really opened my eyes to the difference between the ministry of doing as opposed to the ministry of being. In attendance were top ministry leaders of my denomination who came from all over the globe to attend this seminar in Tagaytay, north of Manila. I forgot now what year it was but maybe in the year 2000. Dr. Trebesch also came all the way from the US to conduct that seminar.

Striving for Excellence to be Saved

Having grown up in a church where doing good works for salvation was once of great importance, it was just but natural for me to focus on performance—on doing the very best I can—for the Lord. Striving for excellence was the thing to do. I’m not saying it’s bad to strive for excellence. In fact, Paul said that we have been created in Christ to do good works (Eph. 2:10). But I gained a little bit more wisdom when Dr. Trebesch began to explain what she meant in the context of personal growth and development of a person.

Ministry of Doing

She described the “ministry of doing” as that kind of ministry where you do things for the sake of doing it. But your heart is not really in it. It’s a busy life of doing a lot of things—lots of activities—because there’s a lot of ministry goals that need to be accomplished or there are lots of things that need to be done. As she began to explain it, I thought about my situation back then as a full-time pastor (I’m now retired). A pastor’s daily schedule of activities can be quite challenging and overwhelming at times. And this applies to other ministry workers and missionaries as well. And if we do ministry without a heart, this can wear a person out in the long run and may be a cause for ministry burnout especially when the person turns out to be a “square peg in a round hole.” Are you in the ministry where you ought to belong right now? Or are you just going through the motions because you have to? This can be a real cause of much stress, frustration and heartaches.

Ministry of Being

The “ministry of being” on the other hand is different, according Dr. Trebesch. You do things because you love to do it. You love to do things because it reflects just who you are. That’s your “being.” Or, you’re just being who you really are. You love to do it because that’s who you are inside out. It’s you and you’re not just faking it or going through the motions. You’re not forced to do it because you need to do it. You’re not just busy for the sake of keeping busy. You love to do it because you enjoy doing it. It’s a ministry with a heart, with a purpose and with love. You minister to others based on who you are in Jesus Christ. You enjoy doing it. You love to do it and you love building relationships with others. That’s who you are—your being in Jesus Christ. That where your heart is. That’s the ministry of being.

Understanding the difference between the ministry of doing as opposed to the ministry of being was kind of liberating for me. It’s good to know that I do things because I like to do it because that’s who I am in Jesus Christ. I gained a little bit more wisdom during that seminar many years ago.

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Elderly Sisters Meet After a Long Time

Last May 5, 2013 my wife and I went to San Pablo, Laguna because her uncle died. My mother-in-law was also with us to see her brother who just died. It’s during these times that a quick family reunion happens. In this photo, my 84-year-old mother-in-law (right) meets her 89-year-old elder sister (left). They have not seen each other for many years. They seldom meet. It was a touching moment.