All posts by Len Joson

Architecture and Photography

According to my college professor, “art is anything made or done by man that affects or moves us so that we feel and see beauty in it.” I have never forgotten that definition since then. That was some 40 years ago! When an architect designs and builds a structure, he is actually expressing himself or his artistic side through the design and making of buildings. It is a product of his artistic mind. Painting, sculpture, music, interior design, architecture and photography are all art expressions too. Oftentimes, the artist is trying to convey a message, to tell something, or express his inner thoughts and feelings through his artwork.

Love for Architecture

I think that it was in my first year in high school that I first began to be interested in architecture. One of the teachers — I think it was in a vocational class — gave us an overview of what architectural drawings were and how to understand those drawings. He even gave the class an assignment to draw a basic floor plan, a front elevation, and side elevations. That got me interested because I had an inclination on making drawings. I loved to draw during my younger years. I was more interested in art more than I enjoyed math — my Waterloo haha! That’s how it all started.

My dad brought me to both Mapua Institute of Technology as well as at the University of Santo Tomas to take their entrance exams and I passed in both schools. But I decided to enrol at UST because I dreaded Math haha! Also, I thought that Architecture was all about drawings. I was wrong! We had Math subjects all the way up to fifth year!

Love for Photography

It was during my college days that I began to get interested in photography as I began to be exposed to a lot of photographic art work in school at the UST – College of Architecture & Fine Arts for about 6 or 7 years. I was an irregular student. I began working as an architectural draftsman when I was in fourth year college. But then I had no camera. It was beyond my financial reach. And so it was just an interest, something to dream and think about. But I did begin to learn about photography bit by bit over the years.

Art Expression

And so, what do you get when you combine architecture and photography together? Well, I don’t just shoot beautiful faces, places, nature and flowers, I photoshoot beautiful buildings too haha! Here’s a nice chapel that attracted my attention the other day. It’s the Sanctuario de San Fernando Chapel in San Fernando, Pampanga. My wife and I go there at that memorial park for exercise every morning. But I do get distracted because I stop and photoshoot often haha!

Trinity: A Difficult Doctrine

One of the most difficult and hard to accept doctrine for some is the doctrine of the Trinity. It seems to be against human logic. Just what is it all about? How come others don’t seem to accept it while others embrace it?

Here’s the doctrine: God is one divine being who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Another way of saying it is: God is one divine being in three persons. That really makes some people go crazy and say that this doctrine is of the devil and is a doctrine of demons. And it’s quite confusing, they will quickly say!

A Matter of Revelation

That is really sad when people’s minds are closed to the revelation of Scripture. How did this doctrine come about anyway? How come Trinitarians believe in this Triune God? Well, it is simply this: It is the revelation of Scripture—so we accept it even though we may not fully understand it. And what does the Bible say? Well, here is the revelation of God from Scripture:

  1. God is one.
  2. The Father is God.
  3. The Son is God.
  4. The Holy Spirit is God.

Trust in God’s Revelation

The above facts/truths can all be found in Scripture. There may not be an explicit statement which says that “God is a Trinity” but this idea or concept is implied and can be derived and deduced from Scripture. It is the revelation of God through the Bible. Thus the early Christians—in their effort to guard against heresy—formulated this doctrine that God is one divine Being who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is the revelation of Scripture.

Thus, it is a matter of trust and faith in God that what he says in Scripture is true though one may not fully understand it. We just have to accept that some things about God’s nature may not be fully understood and is beyond our finite human understanding to fully comprehend at this time but instead it is to be accepted because it is something revealed in Scripture. God is uncreated and lives in a different dimension (or multi-dimensions). We cannot limit God and try to understand him within the limits of our three dimensional world. God is beyond our finite minds to fully comprehend. It is a paradox.

God has not left us in the dark though. We can only know who God is through the revelation of Jesus Christ. “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (NIV Matthew 11:27). Knowing Jesus is knowing God.

God is Spirit

According to Jesus, “God is Spirit” (John 4:24). But what is spirit? Well, the New Testament was written in Greek and the word used here for spirit is pneuma which simply means wind. The word pneuma is where we get the term, pneumatic pump, as an example. The English word, spirit itself comes from the Latin word, spiritus which also means wind or breath. Even the Hebrew word, ruach for spirit also means wind or breath. So it all means essentially the same thing, wind or breath. So, is Jesus then saying that God is wind or breath literally? Of course not. It’s descriptive or figurative language—not literal.

Unfortunately, some people think that the Bible must always be interpreted literally and that could be problematic at times when interpreting Scripture.

God, Time and Space

Whenever we talk about God, let us remember that God created everything—visible and invisible (Col. 1:16). He created time and space and he is not bound by it. He is outside and not subject to time and space—the realm of the natural, physical world. Matter or energy is created by God whether it’s visible or invisible. God is not limited by time and space. He is outside of it—“outside the box,” so to speak. So when we talk about God and Spirit, let’s not put limitations on God and place him—“inside the box.”

When Jesus said that God is Spirit, he meant that God is invisible because that is one of God’s qualities or attributes. It doesn’t mean God is part of matter or energy or that God is literally wind. The ancient people did not have precise words to describe the unlimited God. Human language is limited to describe God fully. Even today, our human language is inadequate to fully describe God and so therefore we can only use inadequate, insufficient descriptive or figurative language to describe our infinite and unlimited God. That is why Jesus said God is Spirit (wind) using the language of his day.

When Jesus said “God is Spirit,” I take it to mean the very opposite of matter or energy. It take it to mean that Spirit means non-matter. It is infinite, it is one whole, indivisible. No one has seen the Father. He is Spirit. The Word is Spirit too. And the Holy Spirit is of course also Spirit. They are one, indivisible, infinite. That is why the Bible says God is one. God is one divine being in three persons: Father, Son and Spirit. Now do I fully and completely understand this concept? Of course not. I can’t. It’s beyond my human comprehension because God is not part of the created order. He is “outside the box” and is beyond my human comprehension. He lives in a different dimension which I could not fathom. But I believe it.

Why? Because that is what God reveals in Scripture. I believe it even though I don’t understand it fully and completely because that is the revelation from Scripture. This is the difference between relying on pure human logic and trusting on God’s Word because that is what he reveals in Scripture whether one understands it or not. To me, to trust God’s Word that God is one divine being who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the logical thing to do. Trust in God’s Word. That’s logic.

Nikon Lens Mount Adapter for Lumix GF1

Back during the 80s, I had a Nikon EM camera which was somewhat semi-electronically operated. This was back during the film days. It had an aperture priority setting and depending on what lens opening you will use to take a shot, the speed automatically adjusts itself. You also have to rotate the focus ring on the lens to manually focus on your subject. After the passing of many years, the camera body finally gave up and that was it. Many decades have passed and about a year or so ago, my daughter gave me a wonderful gift—a second hand Panasonic Lumix GF1 digital camera! It has a zoom lens called 14-45mm or the equivalent of 28mm to 90mm zoom lens. Finally, after so many decades, I have another good quality camera. But I didn’t have a normal lens (50mm).


This led me to think about my f1.8 50mm Nikon lens attached to my old Nikon EM camera. Thankfully, I was able to buy a Nikon lens mount adapter at ebay and after waiting for some 24 days the gadget arrived from Hong Kong. And now I’m able  to take good photos using it. The lens was already filled with molds but I was able to open it and clean it. It really takes good shots! The only downside is that, since it is an old lens, it has no electronic connections to my new high tech camera, the GF1. You have to go manual and set the aperture and focus on the subject manually. It’s challenging and exciting. But I’m enjoying it!

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Bayugan City Church Bell Tower

I’ve just visited Bayugan City, my home city yesterday for my youngest brother’s burial who died of sickness last Sunday. While there, I took several shots of what one can see from the balcony of our family home. The Catholic church bell tower is prominent in the photo with the city gym in the background. The church building is on the right with the red roofing. It was a clear day and the cloud formation attracted me to shoot these photos. Every morning at 5:00 a.m. this church bell wakes us all up whether we like it or not — it’s the biggest alarm clock in the neighborhood haha!

bayugan city church bell tower2
Click to zoom.

I wrote about the history of Bayugan City and how it grew from a small settlement to become what it is now. This is where I grew up as a young boy. My dad happened to be involved in the early beginnings of this city. As the saying goes, “there’s no place like home” and it’s good to go back “home” once in a while. I now have a family of my own and “home” is where my own family is right now (far away from Bayugan) but for me, Bayugan will also always be “home.” I guess that’s how it is with everyone isn’t it? We want to go back “home” where we grew up and reminisce the good old days.