Web Content Specialist
For some ten years, I had a job called “web content specialist” or something like that. I myself could not really figure out what the exact title of my job really was haha! But essentially, I uploaded articles into various WordPress websites. Sometimes the work needed a bit of knowledge about basic html codes and sometimes one needs to be good at English grammar. There were times when I was asked to write articles too and there were times when I got involved in link building activities. I also got involved with writing emails to website administrators as part of link building activities. I learned a lot of things all those ten years more or less but the main thing that I always did was to add more content to a lot of WordPress websites. I helped create as well as maintain a lot of websites. Many of my fellow church members are unaware that I have an online job for all those ten years. They only know that I’m retired as a full time pastor and as an employee of my church or maybe some still think that I’m still employed by the church.

Jobless During this Pandemic
So, I was a “web content specialist” for some ten years until the COVID-19 pandemic engulfed the whole world. When the President declared a quarantine/lockdown throughout Luzon on March 12, 2020, I was already thinking about the implication of this pandemic on my online job. And then it happened a week or so later, on March 25, 2020. I got a call informing me that I no longer had an online job. That was sad but at the same time I’m grateful and thankful for the Lord’s grace on me and my family all those years.
About ten years or so ago, I was in the same exact predicament — I was told I no longer had a job. Ten years ago, I was also jobless and I didn’t know what’s next. I did not know how I could provide for my family. But the Lord did provide for me and my family all those ten years or so till now.
I therefore will continue to trust in the Lord for his provision as he always did. I have nothing but thanks to the generosity of my employers all those ten years or so. In fact, the American employer even thanked me and asked me if I’m willing to be hired again if things get better again. Of course I gladly replied, “I’d be on standby.” So, I’m jobless again.
More Active Web Ministry Due to COVID-19
What is odd and interesting about all this is that despite the pandemic, being jobless and being at home due to the quarantine/lockdown, I’m still quite busy at this time because I got involved in organizing a weekly online worship service for my denomination. “Work from home” or telecommute is nothing new to me. I’ve always worked at home haha! So now that I’m jobless, I still work at home. I might be a senior citizen but somehow something still keeps me busy.

Online Worship Service, Live Streaming
Since March 15, we were able to organize an online worship service every Sunday up to now. What is interesting about this is that when we started, I did not know anything at all about “Open Broadcaster Software” (OBS) for live streaming haha! But now I seem to be getting familiar with it. I need to continue learning though. So, here I am jobless but still busy working from home.
So, just in case you need to hire a senior citizen like me, I can work from home. I always did. 🙂
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4, NIV