The Shack Reread

Wow! There’s really great value in rereading a book or any article. I was inspired by reading C. Baxter’s Kruger’s book on The Shack Revisited. In this book, Baxter expanded and explained the Trinitarian theology behind the book, The Shack. This led me of course to reading the book back again.

The ShackRereading The Shack gave me a better grasp about this very interesting story. Why has this book captivated the minds of many without even advertising it? It just spread like wildfire through word of mouth! It has become a best-seller. Well, it’s a fictional story about Mackenzie or Mack—the main character—about his ups and downs, his life’s struggles and encounter with the Triune God of love. Any man can relate well with what Mack went through. Love, joy, hate, vengeance, suffering, death, injustice—these are what we all see and experience as we go through life. At times we can ask if there is really a God out there. Who is God anyway? Why does he allow suffering, sickness and death—and wars!— without intervening in human affairs? What about freedom of choice? Does God really care? Is God the Father a stern God checking who’s naughty or nice while Jesus is the good guy appeasing the Father’s wrath on humankind? These are what comes to mind as I read The Shack back again.

The Shack, Inspiring Fiction

While The Shack is fiction, it has a lot of precious truths in it—nuggets of wisdom—and a lot of true-to-life experiences that all of us humans go through in life. Surely William Paul Young was inspired by the Lord to come up with such an intriguing story that captivated my heart and mind. Of course, not all are happy with William P. Young’s book calling it heresy and he has received hate mails as well. But as for me, he is a great writer who has helped explain who God truly and really is—the loving Father, Son and Holy Spirit who wants to include all of humanity into their life and love for all eternity.

William P. Young Video Interview:

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