Sharing Love in Payatas
Together with my wife, I went to the Payatas garbage dumpsite of Metro Manila last September 4, 2016. We went there to visit the Payatas Family of Christ Church which is a local congregation of Grace Communion International. This congregation was obviously sharing love in Payatas. They were sharing the love of God to all the neighbors in their Payatas community at the dumpsite.

Having lost his arrastre job at the South harbor, Ptr. Fred Millamena went to Payatas to look for a place to live in which was rent-free. He was also at the same time looking for a means of livelihood in the area. Being passionate about God’s love, he also shared the good news of Jesus Christ to his neighbors. A small group of several families was formed which was eventually became a a local congregation since it started in 1997. The church has continued to grow and serve the community of poor people in the community. The church has grown a lot since we last visited them sometime in the year 2000.

Here’s a video of Ptr. Fred Millamena himself telling the story about how the Lord has reached out to the poorest of the poor at the Payatas garbage dumpsite: