Knowing God with the Head and the Heart Simultaneously

After a long while, I’m reading back again a book that was given to me by a Trinitarian theologian some 6 years ago. It’s fascinating to me that I’m learning a lot from great theologians both living and dead. It is exciting for me that I’m getting to know more and more about our Triune God and about our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s inspiring to know that God loves me, all of humanity and all of creation. It’s thrilling to know that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have already included me into their life and love and I can gladly join them for all eternity. It’s amazing for me to know that I can enjoy a loving relationship with the Triune God right now in this present life and onwards into the future, for all eternity! Isn’t that great? Who am I that the Triune God should be mindful of me? All I can say is, thank you Lord! Praise the Lord God Almighty!

I’m reading back again the book, Incarnation, a compilation of Thomas F. Torrance’s class lectures to his students from 1952 to 1978. I was not even born yet in 1952! Anyway, Robert T. Walker, nephew of Thomas F. Torrance compiled and edited these lectures and formed it into a book. And I’m learning a lot from it.

Here’s an excerpt that got my attention. In the Editor’s Introduction (pp.xxix-xxx), Robert T. Walker said that:

“Torrance’s theology is deeply biblical and like the bible his thought is unitary, combining head and heart. In the bible there is no separation between them and no such thing as knowledge simply with the mind or simply with the heart. The human person is a unity and the whole of the human person is involved in faith or knowledge, at once with the head and with the heart.

“For Torrance, theology is personal knowledge of God in which mind and heart together are equally involved. God is personal, or ‘personalizing person’ as Torrance used to say, the one who makes us personal and can only be known personally. One cannot therefore study theology without personal knowledge of God in faith. It can never be simply an academic exercise. Theology involves faith and worship and can only properly be done on one’s knees.”

It’s good to know that I’m not just doing some academic exercise but truly having a relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit as I get to know them more and more through our Lord Jesus Christ, the personalizing person.


That’s according to my wife of course. I mean, I asked her what the name of this blue flower was and she said it’s called forget-me-not. I just love to take snapshots of God’s beautiful creation but I’m not good at identifying the names and varieties of flowers.

Birds of the Air

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (NIV Matthew 6:26)

Psalm 148

Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise him in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels;
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.
(NIV Psalm 148)

The Lord Will Provide

“The Lord will provide.” This was the name that Abraham gave to Mount Moriah to commemorate the time when God miraculously provided for him a ram for burnt offering instead of his son Isaac (Gen. 22:14).

Abraham’s faith was tried and tested when God told him to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac for burnt offering. It was a tough command to follow but Abraham trusted and obeyed God. He was found faithful and that’s why he is called the father of the faithful. He trusted that the Lord will provide.

Remember: God is Our Provider

Despite the many reminders from God that he is our Provider and that the Lord will provide, we do worry when reality strikes and tomorrow we don’t know where to get our next meal or how we can make ends meet. Jesus tells us not to worry but rather seek God’s kingdom first and his righteousness and he will provide for our needs. But we worry just the same.

In times like these when we begin to worry, it’s good to think and remember the many times in our lives that God has provided for us in many wonderful and unexpected ways. Remember just how thrilled you were when God suddenly provided for your needs. Remember your amazement when your grief suddenly turned into joy because God provided in a way you did not expect! Don’t forget those experiences. Have faith. Trust God. The Lord will provide.

Has God ever failed to provide for you? I’m sure you will remember the many times he has rescued you from difficult situations. Think and remember those times when God carried you and there was only one set of footprints in the sand. Remember how God has always provided for you so you may not lose hope and doubt. Continue to trust in God’s faithfulness to provide for your needs. Trust him. The Lord will provide.

God Has Always Provided

King David died at the age of 70 and he said in one of his psalms, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). I am now a senior citizen and I can say the same thing, the Lord has always provided. But the trouble is, I sometimes forget and I doubt. Let’s always remember that God has always provided for our needs. Trust God. The Lord will provide.

A blog about life and love