Back in 1986, I was sent along with my wife and daughter, to the province of Bukidnon as a ministerial trainee. I was assigned there as an assistant pastor for two local congregations — one in the town of Maramag and the other one in Barangay Kiara in the town of Don Carlos.

My family and I lived in Don Carlos, Bukidnon for about one year and during those days, the roads were not yet paved. It was quite a challenge to travel on dusty and bumpy roads being shaken all the way inside a small Suzuki Beaver. But we somehow survived. My 6-year old daughter seemed not to mind. She seemed to be enjoying it when we were on the road. I still remember our Australian regional director who made a comment after visiting and traveling to Bukidnon inside a Suzuki Beaver. He said, “I felt like scrambled eggs!”

At first, it was quite a cultural shock to suddenly move from the big city of Metro Manila to the remote town of Don Carlos, Bukidnon. Back then, I thought it was a very remote place with my reference being in Metro Manila. We lived among and were surrounded by the rural folks with their corn fields, chickens, goats, cows and carabaos but thankfully, our rented house was a 3-bedroom bungalow. Not bad.

Bukidnon has beautiful mountains and as you travel along the national road, you will get to see and appreciate the natural beauty of the place. One of those that stand out is the Musuan Peak. If you’re traveling from Don Carlos to Valencia City, you will get to see the Musuan Peak to your right as you pass by. That mountain stands out and its beautiful to look at.
In the featured photo above, I took that shot sometime in the year 1986. The national road was not paved with concrete yet. It was a dirt road and if you look more closely in the photo, you will get to see a vehicle at a distance with a cloud of dust behind it. Those were the years when paving of the national road was not yet completed. Only portions had paved concrete and some paved with asphalt.
This photo is quite old already. I had it scanned then I edited and retouched it somewhat to restore it to its original condition. Anyway, I just wanted to share this picture and without realizing it, I have this blog written already and added some more pictures in it hahaha! Just sharing.