Category Archives: Who is God?

Who is God and who are we in him?

What is a Born Again Christian?

The term “born again” or “born again Christian” is a common term used and heard everywhere in conversations. In the Philippines, it commonly refers to Christians who are non-Catholics, in general. It refers to Christians who are Protestants, evangelicals, charismatics and the like.

But in the Bible, what does “born again” really mean? We find a reference to it in John 3 when Christ said to Nicodemus that he needed to be “born again” (or born from above) in order to see or enter the kingdom of God.

The Minority “Born Again” View

For some Christians, they interpret “born again” to  mean as that time in the future at the second coming of Christ (at the resurrection) when those who belong to Christ will be changed into spirit beings — from mortal to immortal. That, for them is to be “born again.” It is something in the future, yet to happen, at the resurrection, at Christ’s second coming. Of course, not all Christians believe in this interpretation of John 3. This is a minority view.

The Common “Born Again” View

For Christians in general, “born again” refers to that point in time in their lives when they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. It’s that point in time when they were “saved,” when they believed and/or when they got baptized. This is the general understanding of many evangelicals or “born again Christians” when they talk about being “born again.” To them, it simply means a time when one is considered a Christian. It’s that point in time when they “accepted Christ” and were “saved.” It’s that time when they got “converted.” I have no problem with this common understanding and use of this “born again” terminology in general.

The Broader “Born Again” View

“Christ in our place and Christ for us in every respect” —Thomas F. Torrance
“Christ in our place and Christ for us in every respect” —Thomas F. Torrance

But there’s something more that really intrigued and fascinated me when I first learned about it from a great theologian. It has broadened my understanding of what it means to be “born again.” According to theologian Thomas F. Torrance in his book, Mediation of Christ on pages 85-86 he wrote:

“…a highlander asked me whether I was born again, and when I replied in the affirmative he asked when I had been born again. I still recall his face when I told him that I had been born again when Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary and rose again from the virgin tomb, the first-born from the dead.”

For Torrance, we became “born again” when Christ was born in Bethlehem (the incarnation) and when he rose again from the tomb (resurrection). As our representative and substitute—in his vicarious humanity—all of humanity has been implicated in Christ’s incarnation and resurrection. That’s when we were “born again” according to Torrance.

Born Again: Objective and Subjective Truth

I now therefore understand the term “born again” not only in the subjective, personal sense (which the common view) but also in the objective, universal sense. Yes, objectively I was “born again” through Christ and in Christ some 2,000 years ago. And yes, subjectively and personally, I was “born again” when I “accepted Jesus Christ” as my personal Savior a few decades ago.

This is now my understanding of being born again or being born from above.

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Updated: 8/10/2019

It’s Not Your Faith But the Faith of Christ

I really like the illustration given by Dr. Elmer Colyer on the quality of the ice in an interview hosted by Dr. Mike Feazell. He explained that it’s really not the quality of our faith that matters but the quality of the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some people have faith in their faith instead of trusting in the faith of Christ. They think that their strong faith is what will help them make it to God’s Kingdom. They think their own strong faith is what healed them. The truth of the matter is, it is the faith of Christ on our behalf, in our stead, for our benefit, that brings us salvation—that brings us healing.

The Faith of Christ Does Save Us

Yes, it is true that our faith does matter but ultimately and in the final analysis, it is the faith of Christ that does save us and give us eternal life. Our faith is a mere response to the faith of Christ that made it possible for us to be saved. When you think about it more deeply, even the faith that we have also comes from God and is also a gift to us. So everything therefore comes from Christ.

It’s not our faith that upholds and saves us but it’s the faith of Christ.

For the full length interview of Dr. Elmer Colyer by Dr. Mike Feazell, please click this link.

Missional Basis of the Bible


I came across some comments in a blog about Christopher Wright’s book, The Mission of God and it got me interested. I was intrigued about this author because I am interested to know about what others say about missions. This led me to a video by Christopher Wright himself explaining about the “Missional Basis of the Bible.” This may not mean much to many but I’m sure some will find this video worth watching. To me, although it’s rather long—about 47 minutes—but I found it to be truly informative, inspiring and it gave me a better focus on missions. Here’s the video below:

Christopher Wright – Reading The Whole Bible For Mission: What Happens When We Do? from Southeastern Seminary on Vimeo.

Why Does God Allow Flash Floods?

Without warning the people of Cagayan de Oro City, Iligan City and all the other towns in between these two cities in the northern coast of Mindanao, suffered a most devastating flash flood in their history. According to what I’ve read, a month’s worth of flood waters was suddenly dumped by Typhoon Sendong in just one night, Friday night, December 16, 2011 in these two major cities in Mindanao. It never happened that way before. Yes, there were floods occasionally but only in a few places of the city and not so devastating and so widespread as this one. As of this writing, more than 400 people are reported dead due to this disaster.

Why Flash Floods?

And it is once again during these times—just like during the Typhoon Ondoy–that people ask: “Why does God allow Flash Floods?” Why does God allow evil to befall on us humans? Why does God allow suffering? Is God really a loving God?

These are tough questions which are not easy to answer and we cannot just brush them aside. People die and suffer everywhere. So why does God allow such things to happen? Why does God allow evil?

May I suggest some reading materials that discuss about this topic:

Their Eternity Depends On Us?

I had just watched a short video presentation on the internet urging Christians to reach out and share the gospel to people whom one may not particularly like. The intention was good but there’s one comment by the video presenter that really caught my attention. Referring to salvation, he said that, “Their eternity depends on us.”

The Great Completion?

Wow! Really? Did I hear him right? I really think that it is a serious mistake to think that people’s “eternity” (referring to salvation) is dependent on a Christian’s evangelistic or missionary effort. I’ve heard this kind of talk before and this seems to be a prevailing teaching among many in Christian churches and missions organizations today. I am also aware that some teach that Christ will not come back until Christians will have completed the great commission through their evangelistic and missionary efforts — “the great completion,” some call it.

Common Gospel Belief

Many Christians are passionately driven to go and share the gospel because they believe that the unbeliever’s salvation is dependent on their evangelistic or missionary efforts. Their zeal and dedication to share the gospel and to reach out to the unbelievers are admirable and that is good. But something is amiss if we think that the salvation of unbelievers is dependent on us.

Jesus is the Savior not Us

It is my belief that our salvation does not depend on any of our human effort. It does not depend on the believer’s efforts to “save” the unbeliever. I believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ our Lord as the Bible asserts. It is by God’s grace that we have been saved. God did it through Christ. Without our help. It is God’s gift to us.

A Young Aeta in Pampanga

One large missions organization had actually made billboard posters declaring that millions of people are dying everyday and are right now lost in hell because Christians have not been doing their duty to go and share the gospel to those who have not heard it yet.

Most missions and evangelistic efforts are based on fear of hell, guilt and anxiety. It is no gospel at all.

Is the unbeliever’s “eternity” really dependent on a Christian’s evangelistic and missionary efforts? I’d like to believe that God is in-charge of that. I believe that the salvation of mankind depends on Christ alone and not on any of our human action.

Surely God has many ways of saving people we know nothing about even at the point of death. Surely, God could not be hindered by death. He is Lord and Savior of all and he has conquered death! For God, death is not a hindrance to salvation. He is in-charge and there is no need to worry about other people’s salvation.

To say that “their eternity depends on us” sounds to me like people won’t be saved without us—without our human effort. It is sending a message that if Christians don’t do missions or evangelism, if Christians don’t share the gospel, it’s the Christian’s fault that millions of people are “not saved” and are already roasting in hell. It brings Christians on a guilt-trip if they don’t act. It is a fear-guilt-and-anxiety-driven method of evangelism based on an erroneous understanding of the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ.

Gospel Participation

I believe that God can save people even without us. In fact, he has already done so without us! He has already reconciled us back to himself (2 Cor. 5:18-19). Even while we were still sinners Christ has already died for us more two thousand years ago (Romans 5:8)!

As Christians, we are invited to participate in what God is doing right now through Christ by the Holy Spirit in our individual lives and in the lives of others who do not yet know Christ. Let us be more considerate, understanding and love-driven as we share the gospel to others and not become offensive and confrontational as we probe people with our “diagnostic questions” just to force them to “accept” Jesus Christ.

Let us go and make disciples driven not by guilt, fear and anxiety. Let us not think that the unbeliever’s salvation depends on us.  Rather, let us go and make disciples knowing that Christ is in-charge and knowing that our salvation is secure in him. Let us live and share the gospel driven by love for people who are still unaware of God’s great love for all of humanity. Let’s participate by living and sharing the gospel knowing that people’s salvation is dependent on Jesus Christ not on us!

Our missions and evangelism should be motivated by faith, hope and love based on who God really is in Jesus Christ and who we are in him. It should not be motivated by a psychology of guilt, fear and anxiety.

People’s “eternity” depends on Jesus Christ, not on our missionary or evangelistic skills! Let’s participate gladly in what God through Christ by the Holy Spirit is doing in and through us! Let us continue living and sharing the good news of God’s love to all!

Updated: 03/30/2020