All posts by Len Joson

The Christmas Message

Some 2,000 years ago, the greatest miracle happened. “The Word became flesh…and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 14). When Christ was born in Bethlehem, the incarnation happened, the Word became flesh! And through the incarnation, the divine and human are united in Christ — atonement! The atonement did not just happen on the cross! It happened even earlier, when Christ was born!

The Christmas Message: Jesus is Immanuel!

Thomas F. Torrance
“Christ in our place and Christ for us in every respect” —Thomas F. Torrance

According to theologian Thomas F. Torrance, there are two facts that are important to remember. He said that in the gospels, there are two names that were given to the Savior namely: 1) Jesus and, 2) Immanuel. Jesus means “The God who saves” while Immanuel means “God with us.” This is the Christmas message.

The God who saves (Jesus) is God with us (Immanuel)! In other words, Jesus is Immanuel! This is so filled with meaning. Through the incarnation, mankind is now forever in union with the Lord Jesus. And that changes everything. He became our representative and substitute. He stood for us. He vicariously (in our place) lived and died for us. Paul said, “I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). He assumed our humanity. He died instead of us, in our place, for our sins. And he lived a righteous life for us too. By becoming one of us, by living a righteous life on our behalf, His righteousness became our righteousness. Through Christ’s birth (incarnation), life, death, resurrection and ascension, we now have been included in God’s life and love! We now have reconciliation. We now have redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Good News!

This is something worth thinking about. Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate our redemption! God is inviting you and me to believe it, accept it and enjoy life and love in Jesus! The good news is that you are already loved, included and accepted! Will you accept your acceptance in Him? This is the good news!

Bible Interpretation 101

When reading an ordinary textbook, a science book, a novel or some other book, people would somehow generally agree with what that particular book means — more or less. But when it comes to the Bible, a lot of confusion is usually generated and a lot of people claim that only they — or their denomination — have the correct interpretation of Scripture and all the others are wrong. Surely, God is not the author of confusion!

Pretext — Text without Context


“A text without context is pretext” so I’ve heard and I agree. This is a good reminder that if someone quotes Scripture without considering its surrounding context, then that quoted part of Scripture must have been quoted in pretext. This means that the quoted Scripture is being misused without really understanding the surrounding background behind the passage. Oftentimes, a part of Scripture is quoted with an already-formed conclusion in mind. The Scripture is only used to support a preconceived idea and it’s not really what that part of Scripture is really saying. This is called proof texting.

The Surrounding Context

One of the most important lessons — a basic lesson for students of Bible interpretation — is the matter of considering the surrounding context of that part of Scripture which is being quoted. It is a must — if we are to accurately interpret Scripture — not to lift Scripture out of its surrounding context. Let me discuss two points here: 1) the immediate context and, 2) the larger context.

Proper Interpretation — Common Sense

According to the book, “How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth” by Fee & Stuart, a good interpretation is one that makes good sense—common sense — of the text quoted. It normally doesn’t need to be explained by other books of the Bible. It makes good sense right within its immediate context and larger context.

Immediate Context

Immediate context means that we have to check and consider one or two verses before the quoted text and also consider one or two verses after the quoted text to find out what is being talked about. In other words, check the verses immediately before and after the cited part of Scripture. Check its immediate background — immediate context. It should make good sense — common sense — to the text, within its immediate context. Oftentimes, the immediate context will help clarify the verse under discussion and there is no need to quote other books of Scripture to help explain the verse. The immediate context explains itself. It should fit. It should make sense. But we’re not done yet. We also have to consider the larger context.

The Larger Context

Considering the larger context will also help us greatly in our understanding of the text under discussion. This means that aside from checking the verses  immediately before and the verses after the text in question (immediate context), we also need to go backwards several chapters and forward several chapters to get the larger context. We can broaden our search for understanding by reading the whole book if need be. That’s the larger context.

We have to remember that words and/or phrases derive its meaning depending on how it is used in a particular context in Scripture. Words do change in meaning depending on the context.

Don’t just interpret Scripture with just one verse without considering its immediate and larger contexts. This will help us become more accurate in our understanding and interpretation of Scripture. If we interpret Scripture by placing our own preconceived ideas into it, that is being dishonest and is called eisegesis. We should allow Scripture to speak for itself based on its own context (exegesis) — not our own.

Other Contexts — Background Check

Of course, we also need to check its literary context, historical context, cultural context, grammatical context and all other relevant background checks (like who the author of the book is, why did he write the book, who is the audience being addressed by the book or letter, when was it written, etc.) to arrive at a much better appreciation and interpretation of Scripture.

Who is Jesus Christ?

And lastly — this actually should be the first step — and most importantly, I have learned that in order to properly interpret Scripture, we need to consider the truth about who Jesus Christ is, the Living Word. We need to learn the truth about who God is as revealed in Jesus Christ. This should be our guiding principle in biblical interpretation. Jesus Christ should be our basis and our criterion. Jesus said that the Bible is talking about him (John 5:39). We need to consider “the whole counsel of God” if we are to interpret the Bible properly. Another way of saying it is, Jesus Christ should be our “lens” in interpreting Scripture. This truth should guide our interpretation of Scripture.

May the Lord guide you into all truth (John 16:13).

“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39-40)

Out of Darkness and into the Light

From the Fringe to the Fold

I became a member of my denomination, the Worldwide Church of God when I was 18 years old sometime in 1972. I was convinced and I really believed in my denomination’s teachings and I followed it faithfully until more than two decades later when I found out that not all of its teachings were accurate after all. By God’s grace, our denominational leadership was led by God’s Spirit to see the truth more clearly and we changed for the better. God has led our denomination from darkness into light. Or as Ruth Tucker once said, “from the fringe to the fold.” We now have changed our denominational name to Grace Communion International to reflect that change.

Qualifying to Be Saved

For all those 23 years, it was drilled strongly into my mind that I should “develop holy, righteous and perfect character.” Along with this phrase, I always heard our pastors preach about the need to “qualify” in order to enter the kingdom of God and be saved.

Shocking Personal Realization

Back then, I usually read the Bible using the 1611 King James Version and it was therefore shocking to me to find out and understand later on what the Bible is saying about being “qualified” in Colossians 1:12-14 in the New International Version. This word, “qualified” can also be found in the New American Standard Bible, the New Jerusalem Bible and the New King James Version of the Bible. Here is Colossians 1:12-14 in the New International Version:

“and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. “

God has Qualified Me and Rescued Me!

In this passage, I was shocked to discover that it is God the Father who has “qualified” me or “enabled” me! I did not understand it in the 1611 King James Version of the Bible. I found out that I don’t have to do good works or “develop holy righteous and perfect character” in order to “qualify” and be saved! God has already qualified me—past tense! He has already brought us (and me!—past tense) into Jesus’ kingdom. He has already rescued me, redeemed me and forgave me even before I asked for forgiveness.

Paul said that while I was still a sinner, Christ has already died for me (Rom. 5:8). He did not wait for me to “develop holy, righteous and perfect character” first before accepting me. It is by God’s grace that I have been saved—past tense (Ephesians 2:8).

The Objective Gospel Truth

This objective truth (indicative of grace) that God has already rescued me out of darkness and brought me into the Kingdom of the Son whom he loves, compels me to respond positively to God’s love and grace (imperative of grace). Because of God’s love and mercy, it is just but proper that I respond by loving him and obeying his commandments in return. This is what Paul calls as “the obedience that comes from faith” (Romans 1:5, 16:26). God’s love compels me to love him in return and not sin against him and against my fellowmen.

God is Love not a contract-God

I’m happy to know that God is interested to have a relationship with me like a father to his son. He is not a contract-God who is merely interested in and watching over my every move whether I obey his commandments or not. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are a union and communion of loving relationship and through our Lord Jesus Christ, I have been included into that awesome relationship. What a wonderful truth that is! I’m just glad the Lord has brought me out of darkness and into his marvelous Light! (1 Pet. 2:9)

Updated: 3/7/2020

Do You Know How to Read the Bible?


One book that has really helped me to read the Bible better is the book, “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth ” by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart. I first heard about this book sometime in 1994 where some excerpts of it were quoted during a lecture conducted by Greg Albrecht on Hermeneutics. It was my first time to hear that word. Previous to this, I never knew that there was such a word as “Hermeneutics” (the study of biblical interpretation). It was to me, a strange sounding word—somewhat for the scholarly, I thought. I really thought that I was doing alright with just accepting the interpretations given to me by my pastors. Because after all, their interpretations were based on the Bible, so I thought.

Major Doctrinal Changes

Things changed when my denomination, the Worldwide Church of God (now called Grace Communion International), changed its doctrines from the shackles of legalism to freedom in Christ which I now enjoy by God’s grace! As one of its pastors, we were encouraged to “go back to school.” So I did—at around age 43! I was challenged to find out what was the truth—back again! For 23 years, I believed and preached what I have believed to be true only to be told after more than two decades that we were wrong after all! It was so devastating—to say the least. So I was challenged to study what Biblical interpretation was all about. I thought I already knew!

Second Encounter with Book


When I entered the Asian Theological Seminary during the summer class of 1996 to take up Hermeneutics, I was pleasantly surprised that one of our suggested reading and textbook was the same book by Fee & Stuart, “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth.” It has really helped me in how I should read and interpret the Bible. I also have another book from Fee & Stuart entitled, “How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour.” Go and find these books. It will help you greatly for sure.

Learn Biblical Interpretation

Don’t just accept what your pastor is teaching you. Check it out for yourself. And while you’re at it, teach yourself some tools on Biblical interpretation. It will go a long way to avoid misinterpreting the Bible and coming out with our own, personal ideas which may be foreign to the Bible. I highly recommend these books.

Suggested Videos and Book Review

Netiquette: Etiquette on the Internet


It’s always perplexing to me how easily Christians break the Lord’s command to “love one another”—the very command which Jesus said his disciples would be known for and identified. True disciples of Jesus Christ would be known by this, if they love one another (John 13:35). But humans as we are, we seem to always default to offending other people whether inside or outside of the church, intentionally or unintentionally, whether online or offline.

Learning Netiquette

Just take for example when you visit blogs or other social networks like Facebook. Haven’t they heard about netiquette? A person would express his thoughts on a certain religious or doctrinal topic and other friends would join the discussion to also express their views on whatever is the topic under discussion. But I am always perplexed that in many of these discussions, it leads to name calling, derogatory remarks, character assassination and the like. Why is this so? Well, I guess religion, like politics, is one of those hot topics.

Pinoy Culture?


The situation is even aggravated in our Philippine cultural context because most of us, take it personally when a negative comment is made about our views. We Pinoys feel insulted and so we retaliate with smart aleck remarks to outsmart the other guy. I think that we should all learn to discuss purely issues without taking it personally. As the saying goes, “walang personalan.” Let’s just discuss issues in a civil manner. This is something we should all learn as Pinoy Christians. Of course, we can discern if a person is really making rude remarks against us but may I suggest that we remain calm, humble and not retaliate—“an eye for an eye”—but rather remain a true Christian all the way. We don’t need to go down to their level of rudeness and ungodly conduct.

Knowledge Puffs Up


It would seem to me that it does really take time to learn how to express our views without putting down the other person. Somehow we take pride in putting shame and to belittle the other person and his beliefs. Without realizing it, we take pride in our superior knowledge and look down on those who seem not to know “the truth.” Knowledge truly “puffs up.” “But love builds up” (1 Cor. 8:1)—a good verse to meditate on.

Speak the Truth in Love

Why can’t we express our beliefs on a matter without putting down the other person? Christians? Yes we believe we are Christians but hopefully we are all growing in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ being considerate and careful of our words even as we express our agreement or disagreement on any matter.

Communication Skills

As we interact with people on the internet, it is easy to be misunderstood because we don’t see the person eyeball to eyeball and see their facial or bodily expressions. Those who are new on the internet always make this big blunder. They always do! They should learn some rules of civility on the internet—netiquette—and avoid creating confusion, discord and animosity. Visit this link and learn.

As it has been said before, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, but at all times charity (meaning, love).” Let us learn to agree or disagree on any topic under discussion but let’s not do it in a disagreeable manner. Let us learn to love one another as Christians. Whether online or offline, let us all follow the Lord’s command though our views may differ from one another.

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