I’ve been trying to learn how to take good and professional-looking portraits and I’m excited to learn more especially about taking headshots. In this photo is my lovely niece. It was a really hot summer day and my niece who is from overseas was really perspiring a lot. I was glad she did give a great smile for the camera despite the really warm weather. I’m interested in portrait photography and I hope to learn more about it. I guess I have varied interests. I love to take photos of nature too. And people in action doing things that they normally do everyday.
All posts by Len Joson
Owl at Green Haven Adventure Farm
I don’t know what kind of owl this is. But I just love to look at one of God’s creation especially since I don’t always see one. I took this photo in a resort owned by my cousin in my home province.
Here are two more shots below.
Sunset Shot at the City of San Fernando, Pampanga
As I was driving along the MacArthur national highway last May 19, 2013, my eyes were captivated by the beautiful sunset view that was before me. I just had to stop and take a sunset shot!
My sister was with me whom I fetched at the Manila airport and we were on our way home when this beautiful sunset view emerged before us. I love sunsets and I love to take sunset shots when the opportunity presents itself.
Sunrise at Oasis House of Prayer
During a retreat which I attended last May 31 – June 2, 2013 at the Oasis House of Prayer in Silang, Cavite, I happened to wake up early in the morning and to my surprise when I opened the window curtain, this magnificent view filled my eyes. What a rare opportunity! Still in my pajamas and without wasting time, I grabbed my camera and went out of the cottage to shoot this wonderful view! How wonderful are God’s paintings! He is my Master Artist!
Creation Out of Nothing
Is creation out of nothing biblical? Did God create the whole cosmos from something or from nothing? Let’s see. God is self sufficient. He is complete. He does not need anybody. He needs nothing. God does not need to create. We exist because God chose for us to exist. Creation is an expression of God’s will. He willed that we have life. “By your will they were created and have their being.” (Rev. 4:11)
God “calls things that are not as though they were” (Rom. 4:17). God did not create out of some pre-existing “spirit substance.” Apart from God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, there was no one else and there was nothing else (material or “spirit substance”) before he created anything. Before creation existed, there was nothing apart from God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To say that God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit needed a “spirit substance” to create is to say that there was “something” (a “spirit substance”) apart from God that pre-existed and co-existed with God before anything was created.
God Created All Things From Nothing
God created everything from nothing, absolutely nothing. He did not need any spirit substance of which he is dependent on in order to create. He needed nothing at all in order to create. All it takes is a command from God by God’s will and they came to be. “For he commanded and they were created” (Psalm 148:5).
Our existence depends entirely on God’s will. We exist because God’s will keeps us in existence. “For in him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). If God wills differently, man will cease to exist.
In discussing the creation of the world, we are discussing nothing mechanical. One cannot find the start of life in matter. From matter to atom to neutron, electrons, etc.—to start of life. Scientists are misguided in thinking that they can find the start of life in matter.
Creatio Ex Nihilo
Creation is God’s will expressed in the Father’s decision; The Son is the wisdom of God, the Logos of God, the Utterance of God, the “orderer”; The Holy Spirit is the breath of God that pervades everything and gives life, the “mover.”
Creation is out of nothing—creatio ex nihilo—and rests entirely on God’s will. The universe is exactly what the Father has willed, what the Son has ordered, and what the Holy Spirit has moved.