About Len Joson, the Blogger

Welcome to my blog site! I’m Len Joson, a retired pastor trying to be a blogger haha! My wife and I are both senior citizens. We have two daughters. The elder and the younger are both lovers of art. My wife loves to draw too so I have a family of art lovers.
I created this website sometime in February 2009 so that I can blog about life & love, relationships, family, photography, theology and just about anything that comes to mind. I guess many of us would like to express our thoughts and feelings once in a while. This personal website gives me the perfect place to do it.
In the year 2001, I was already 47 years old when I received a Diploma in Biblical Studies at the Asian Theological Seminary. I studied there for some 5 years as a part-time student beginning sometime in 1997. I was already a full-time pastor for 12 years when I began studying at that evangelical seminary.
In college during my teenage years, I studied Architecture at the University of Santo Tomas back in the year 1971 to about 1976 but I was not able to finish the course. I only lacked one or two minor subjects and thesis.
I wanted to be a full-fledged architect but although I really tried very hard, things didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. The Lord must have had other plans for me. I once had a very low regard for pastors when I was in high school but that’s what I became later on in life — a church pastor haha!
Architectural Work
Before I became a pastor, I worked for some 10 years from 1975 to 1985 as an architectural draftsman back in the day when we only used pencils, pen and ink without the aid of computers. I guess the art of architectural drafting using one’s hands have become a thing of the past — a lost art.
Pastoral Ministry
In October 1985 my denominational leaders asked me to work full time as a pastor. I accepted the invitation believing it was God’s calling for me to work for him full time. I was a full-time church pastor for some 23 years in my church denomination, the Grace Communion International (GCI) in the Philippines from October 1985 to February 2009. I was sent and was assigned to pastor various local congregations in the country except in the Visayas region. For some 7 years, I was assigned as an area superintendent overseeing our pastors and local congregations in Mindanao from the year 2001 to about 2007. I was also involved in media/web ministry since 2001 up to now.
Teaching, Preaching and Web Ministry
Although officially retired — that is, I’m no longer an employee of my denomination — but as a volunteer worker, I continue to get involved in teaching, preaching, pastoral and in web ministry as the opportunity presents itself. By God’s grace, he has blessed me with an online job since 2010 up to now to support my family and at the same time to be able to continue participating in the Lord’s work where he has placed me. I’m not as healthy though compared to when I was younger but thankfully, life goes on by God’s grace.
Personal Blog Site
This personal blog site is self-funded and is not affiliated with any organization or any denomination. It also contains Google ads and links. My views and opinions on this website are mine alone and do not represent any group or any denomination. It’s just me, a senior citizen and my thoughts. I just would like to share with everyone the good news about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Contact Me

Please feel free to comment on any of my blogs but please be nice to me okay? If you write offensive comments I will surely delete it haha! You can also leave me a message below if you like. Thanks for dropping by!
Reading your blogs made me know more a person who was once part of our daily lives. All a can do is to remember the good things you have done for our family especially the friendship of our kids Jinjie and Jasmine. You are truly an intelligent being blessed by God and you have wisely imparted knowledge and impacted on our lives. Thank you for sharing your life.