Prediction Addiction

The recent horrific tsunami that ravaged Japan was really devastating, very tragic. Previous to this, we had earthquakes too in New Zealand and that was tragic too. And then we also had previously, political unrest and change of leadership in Egypt. Civil war continues in Libya and trouble is brewing in other Arab countries too. These events around the world recently have awakened once again the interest of many about “the end of the world” or the “end times.” Prophets of doom have come out once again and their enthusiasm for “prediction addiction” has been heightened and re-awakened. They are once again coming out to preach “gloom and doom” because it is now “the last days.”

The truth is, when the author of Hebrews wrote in Hebrews 1:1-2, it was already the “last days” about 2,000 years ago! So, we need to have a balanced perspective about the “end times.”

“Last Days” Predictions Abound

While I believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, I think that Christians should not be the cause of fear and panic for people who are already troubled and saddened by the series of calamities. Instead, we should encourage and comfort people to fully rely and trust God—despite calamities and adversities in life. We should comfort people encouraging them that whatever happens in our lives, God will always be there with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Preaching doom and gloom is not the gospel. It detracts and diverts our attention away from preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Preaching about the so-called “end times” is not the gospel. It is bad news—a false gospel. “Gospel” simply means “good news.” Prophets of doom only bring bad news making suffering victims conscience-stricken with fear, guilt and anxiety—really bad news.

Don’t be a prophet of doom and gloom too busy making predictions about calamities, finger-pointing and blaming people for their sins, blaming people for the series of calamities but rather, as a Christian, be a source of encouragement, comfort, faith, hope and love as they see Jesus Christ in your life in the midst of and despite calamities and adversities.

Suggested further reading materials:

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