In a small group that I am a part of, we have been listening to an audio recording of a lecture done by the late Prof. James B. Torrance back during the 90s. These JB Torrance audios have been divided into six parts and tonight, during our regular Wednesday night Discover the Word session, we will be listening to the third part.
I have heard these audio recordings countless of times but it never ceases to inspire me. I learned more when I listened to it again many times. About a year or two ago, when my 87-year old mother-in-law got sick until she died many months later, she listened to these audios during her last few months.
I have really been inspired listening to these audios ever since I got hold of it from the internet. I cannot now remember how or where exactly I got it but I do have copies of the 6-part audios.
The topic of the lecture is on Prayer and the Triune God of Grace. The focus is on prayer but as Professor James Torrance goes on explaining all about prayer, he gives a broad overview of what incarnational Trinitarian theology is all about and he introduces us to who the Triune God of grace is. The way he talks and explains things touches my heart not just my head. Christ through his Spirit has definitely been opening my mind slowly but surely through these JB Torrance audios. It is for this reason that I am inspired to share this as well with my fellow small group members and to everyone who may not be aware of it’s existence yet.
It is great, good news to know that in Christ the Beloved, we are also loved by the Father. It is good to know that Christ is our High Priest who stands in for us and brings us with him right into the Holy of Holies, into the inner sanctuary, to have fellowship and communion with and in the life and love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is really great, good news!