Why Bother with Theology?

For this fourth session we have finally begun to use “Day 1” of the 40 Days of Discipleship which is a discipleship class material provided by my denomination, the Grace Communion International. We were supposed to discuss two articles namely: “Why Bother with Theology” and “Strong Theology vs. Weak Theology” all written by Dr. Joseph Tkach. But as it turned out, we had a good discussion among us and we only were able to touch the first article. We will discuss the next article for next meeting.

I also presented to the group a short 5-minute videoclip from a video of Dr. Gary Deddo in the year 2010 discussing what the purpose of doctrine is and the “what and why” of theology. I had this posted on YouTube a few years ago. Here it is below:

Just very recently, Dr. Gary Deddo gave a lecture on “GCI Doctrines and How to Teach Them.” It is all available for viewing at Youtube at this link.

From what I can gather, the group seems interested to continue with this class. I am also encouraged that there are some who are interested to watch the video of the class and even suggested that I also provide an audio version (mp3) of the class. Here then is the video of this session:

And here is the link to the audio version of this session in mp3 format. Please click this link.

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