Are You Licensed to Sin?

Question: “Please correct if I am wrong…but I get the impression…that even if I live a sinful life deliberate or not, I was, am, and will be forgiven….so I am no longer accountable for my actions, past, present and future, is that it?”

Answer: The grace that we now enjoy and benefit from does not give us the license to go on living a sinful way of life (Jude 1:4). That’s clear in the Bible. In fact, it is grace that teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and to live godly lives at this present time (Titus 2:11-12). Paul explained that since we are now under grace, we should no longer go on and continue sinning (Romans 6:1-2).

Yes, we do sin every time, all the time. But the wonderful thing is that, when we do sin, that has already been covered by the blood of Jesus Christ a long time ago. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ has already covered our sins past, present and future.

Through Paul, God is teaching us to say “No!” to ungodliness. To sin is not the right thing to do. As a way of life, that’s not right. But we do sin, all the time. That’s the problem. We don’t want to sin but we sin continually. Who is going to save us from this body of death? Paul answered his own question by saying  that he thanked the Lord Jesus Christ because he will rescue him from such a miserable situation (Romans 7:24-25).

Paul concluded that there is now therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Trust him (Rom 4). We may fall but we can get up trusting that Christ will forgive us. We are “covered” so to speak, no worries.

If we have a lot of sins, we can have confidence that God has more grace for us (Romans 5). Isn’t that wonderful? But it’s no license to sin. See the difference?

Who is going to separate us from God’s love? None, no one, nothing! (Romans 8) This is quite an assurance. We are not encouraging sin. But we do sin and are worthy of death. But thanks be to God’s grace, we will be fine. Isn’t that great?

So, am I accountable for my sins? Yes of course. But the wonderful thing is, Christ assumed it all for us. He became “sin” for us (2 Cor. 5:21 ). He took it all from us. He stood for us. He did not “count our sins” (2 Cor. 5:19). We are no longer under any penalty. We are no longer accountable — but only because Christ became accountable on our behalf. Our High Priest and Mediator stood for us on our behalf! We are therefore free from accountability! Unbelievable isn’t it? Believe it! That’s the truth!

Shall We Continue to Sin?

But shall we continue sinning that grace may abound? Does this give us a license not to care and just do as we please and commit sin at will? Of course not! (Romans 6) God’s grace should encourage us to love him and obey him more and more instead of rebel and sin against him and our fellowmen. Isn’t that the right thing to do? If a criminal was pardoned and freed, does this give him the freedom to commit crime again? Of course not. To do good is just but the right thing to do!

But will God forgive us each time if we make mistakes? Yes, just like the Father in the parable of the lost Son. He will always gladly welcome us back home. As one theologian said, “There is more grace in God than there is sin in us!” That’s really encouraging. That’s really good news! That’s is why the good news (gospel) is really good news!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! (Galatians 5 ) This is the frame of mind and attitude we need to have about these things.

For Further Study:

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